today we are going to go ice skating with your little buddies. We are going to help your little buddies or L.B.s for short learn to skate and help them do it with out the bars. I am not the best skater but I don't go down easy I have lots of balance on skate I am just a little rusty I used to be super fast and have races but not any more. Now I use bars so I don't fall its so sad. :( But I an getting better and better :D
2013 This is the year of the snake. My animal is the snake so it is so cool. The snake is sixth sign of the lunar calender.
  • They have a personal wisdom
  • Graceful and soft-spoken, will gravitate naturally towards the finer things in life
  • they are very beautiful
  • Generally relies on their own judgment, not working well with others, trusting their own instincts rather than other peoples advice.
  • By nature is skeptical, but will keep his suspicions to himself
  • One of the most tenacious signs, never stops plotting and can be viciously unrelenting. Can be possessive and demanding in relationships.
Info from:
Hi i know that I haven't been here much but that is going to change. Anyways  today I wont to talk about what happened when I went to cypress yesterday. Well we went and we did the bunny hill first and I was the first one down it, it was awesome but then I had to what for my mom and brother they were a little slower. When it happened again I went with other skiers because my mom said I could. So then we went on Collins and I fell like 10 times it was a green hill. then we went on another green hill and it was called Panorama it was much better I was the first one down even before my brothers. YES. They all called me a speed demon. It was the best time yet.   



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Hi this is my first blog . I will post here evey time i can please leave acomment.